This service is also for you, if you require materials for your research that are not in our databases and libraries, you can request them as indicated below.
Remember to indicate your researcher status and details of your research work on the form.
Remember that the number of loans to the same institution or university is limited to 6 resources for the entire UPAEP community, so we recommend you apply only for those you really need (see institutions with ILL agreement).
The loan of printed books is limited to the geographic area of the campuses, so it will only be applicable to the institutions with which we have an agreement within the city of Puebla and Tehuacan.
See the Policies and Regulations section for more information.
Now, as a student or teacher at the Tehuacán campus, you can request material from the Karol Wojtyla Library (Central Campus) in a more efficient way.
See the Policies and Regulations section for more information.
If you wish to consult any of the materials available in our Central or Tehuacán libraries, make sure that your institution or university has an interlibrary loan agreement with us, otherwise, your institution can contact us to establish an agreement.
Each institution has a limit of 6 consecutive physical books, which must be distributed among its interested users, so you should check with your library about the number of available loans.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a complementary service, whose mission is to support the management of physical and digital materials by obtaining relevant academic information from various institutions that we do not have in our library, in the same way our library participates with the institutions that we have collaborative alliances and that require our support.
Through the ILL, users are offered the possibility of taking home bibliographic materials belonging to other libraries, which are not in their own institution. For this purpose, an interlibrary loan agreement must be established, which implies reciprocity, whereby the requesting library will lend the different materials from its collection to the community of that institution or institutions that require it.